De-Siloing K–12 Schools: Maximizing Partnerships and Resources to Enhance Curriculum Development: Webinar
Academic officers, curriculum specialists, educational technology coaches, and librarians in many districts exist in separate silos with little communication and collaboration between them. In this webinar, instructional designers Waneta Hebert and Karina Quilantan-Garza discuss how all of these departments can build partnerships to shift usage of underused technology and resources. Viewers will learn about how communication and collaboration can strongly influence course development and support information literacy in the classroom.
In this webinar, you will learn:
- Key changes you can make to school policy to encourage educators in different departments to collaborate.
- How the embedded librarianship model can be expanded to include embedded administrators and specialists.
- How to maximize school and library resources to reflect the needs of the school, teachers, and students.
About the Presenters: