Access Video On Demand provides countless ideas for community programming, including titles that promote financial literacy and raise awareness about traumatic brain injuries, Lou Gehrig’s disease, and men’s health issues. Subscribers can also explore the complete calendar (accessible via the menu in the top left of header) for the year’s milestones, holidays, and events—a great source for programming ideas throughout the year. (Content may vary for international collections.)
March Is Brain Injury Awareness Month
Consider these titles for programming/patron interest:
- Wipe Out: The Silent Epidemic of Brain Injury (Item #43334)
- Louis Theroux: A Different Brain (Item #128905)
- How Do Doctors Define Concussion? (Item #147962)
- Blast Trauma (Item #47708)
- Me and My New Brain (Item #115661)
- Between Life and Death (Item #55685)
- Preventing Concussions: Helmets, Mouthguards, and Military Spending (Item #147958)
- The War Veteran (Item #143686)
- Concussion: Its Diagnosis and Treatment (Item #147959)
- Burden of Concussion (Item #147960)
- League of Denial: The NFL’s Concussion Crisis (Item #58689)
April Is Financial Literacy Month
Consider these titles for programming/patron interest:
- Personal Finance: When Am I Ever Going to Use This? (Item #114814)
- Budgeting 101 (Item #166254)
- Fighting the Impulse to Spend (Item #166250)
- Credit Scores, the Good, the Bad, the Ugly (Item #166255)
- Real Life Teens: Teens and Money (Item #42158)
- Buying a Car (Item #166256)
- Financial Emergencies (Item #166253)
- Staying out of Debt (Item #166258)
- The Monster of Debt (Item #166251)
- Personal Finance Essentials: Financial Literacy for Young Earners series (Item #43781)
May Is ALS Awareness Month
Consider these titles for programming/patron interest:
- ALS: Lou Gehrig’s Disease (Item #33017)
- Lou Gehrig’s Disease: Insights into ALS (Item #39422)
- Lessons on Living: Morrie Schwartz (Item #54906)
- Beyond the Bucket (Item #146094)
- Gloria and Me (Item #187071)
- Reversing Disease (Item #187422)
June Is Men’s Health Month
Consider these titles for programming/patron interest:
- Living with Prostate Cancer series (Item #147542)
- BPH: A Growing Problem (Item #47885)
- The Male Reproductive Organs: Don’t Die Young, Series 2 (Item #48703)
- Men’s Health: Why Men Die Younger—Second Opinion: Taking Charge of Your Health Care (Item #55301)
- Testosterone Replacement Therapy (Item #47892)
- Mind Your Health series (Item #155280)
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