Social Emotional Learning for Parents: Webinar
Families and caregivers are children’s first teachers and bring deep expertise about their development, experiences, culture, and learning needs. When schools and families form authentic partnerships, they can build strong connections that reinforce students’ social and emotional development. This SEL training featuring Trisha DiFazio and Allison Roeser of SEL & Beyond is designed specifically to support and meet the needs of parents and guardians. Warning: life may get a bit easier at home after attending!
Viewers will:
- Understand the “what, why, and how” of SEL and its value at home.
- Enhance their own personal understanding of SEL by engaging in strategies firsthand.
- Be equipped with easy-to-implement strategies at home.
Trisha DiFazio is an education consultant for Teacher Created Materials (TCM) and a former adjunct professor in the Rossier School of Education at the University of Southern California (USC). Trisha was also a contributing author on TCM’s Language Power: Building Language Proficiency series as well as Creating Social Emotional Learning Environments. She is passionate about empowering teachers and students around social and emotional learning as well as Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching.
Allison Roeser is an education consultant for Teacher Created Materials (TCM) and a former adjunct professor in the Rossier School of Education at the University of Southern California (USC). Trisha was also a contributing author on TCM’s Language Power: Building Language Proficiency series as well as Creating Social Emotional Learning Environments. She is passionate about empowering teachers and students around social and emotional learning as well as Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching.