The Early Academic Researcher: Promoting Discovery and Use of Primary Resources: Webinar
Infobase offers multiple databases that include primary sources, such as World News Digest, Credo Reference, and our history databases (African-American History, American Indian History, and more). We also offer a resource called Credo Information Literacy – Core, which hosts videos, tutorials, and assessments on research and critical thinking. Part of this modular course is a focus on understanding primary sources and how they can be used in a college assignment, such as a research paper. In this presentation, we will show you:
- How to find some of the 10,000+ primary sources within Infobase resources.
- The introduction to primary sources from InfoLit – Core.
- How to combine the primary source material from Infobase resources (or non-Infobase resources) with InfoLit – Core to teach the basics of source definition with beginning researchers.
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